Featured Projects

Provide products and services for transmission line and substation up to 500kV


List of projects Supply Tubular steel towers

- 110kV 174E25.2-171E25.5 Vinh Yen - Vinh Tuong (position 123, 124, 156, 157)
- 35kV line from 110kV Vinh Yen subsation to Tam Duong 2 industrial zone
- Improving feeder 474, 475, 373, E4.3 to avoid overload feeder 474E4.3 and TG Tam Hong
- 35kV line from 110kV Vinh Yen subsation to Tam Duong 2 industrial zone
- 110kV 174E25.2-171E25.5 Vinh Yen - Vinh Tuong (position 123, 124, 156, 157)
- Upgrade and improving DT310 (DT316 old) from Dai Lai to QL2C
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